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What are the top causes of semi-truck collisions?

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Issues with vehicles, bad weather and poor decisions can all contribute to the chance of a crash happening. Any type of crash can lead to major injuries and financial setbacks, but crashes involving commercial vehicles can be particularly severe.

When a semi-truck collides with a passenger vehicle, the passenger vehicle is at risk of massive damage. Motorists typically want to avoid any type of crash, but a crash caused by a semi-truck can become particularly problematic.

According to federal collision statistics, the vast majority of crashes involving semi-trucks involved one of a handful of common causes. What are the leading reasons for crashes between semi-trucks and passenger vehicles?

Bad decisions by the commercial driver

According to the crash data provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, more than half of the crashes involving semi-trucks are the fault of the bigger vehicle or its operator. The number one cause of collisions between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks is a driver making the wrong decision.

They might follow others too closely or maintain a speed that is too high given road conditions. Those mistakes result in them losing control or striking another vehicle.

Recognition errors

The second most common reason that commercial drivers cause crashes with passenger vehicles is a failure to notice important factors in traffic. Distraction and exhaustion can both contribute to the likelihood of a commercial driver failing to notice another vehicle and causing a crash as a result.

Driver non-performance

Non-performance refers to a scenario in which a driver becomes incapable of managing the vehicle. Typically, that means either that they have a medical emergency or that they fall asleep while driving. Either scenario could result in a devastating, preventable collision.

Vehicle issues

Approximately one in 10 crashes caused by semi-trucks occur because of an issue with the vehicle rather than an issue caused by a driver. Bad brakes, improperly loaded trailers and tire blowouts can all be the underlying cause of a collision.

Mistakes by the other driver

The people in passenger vehicles can also be at fault for a crash involving a commercial truck. Frequently, their mistakes include driving in the blind spots of commercial trucks or cutting them off in traffic and not giving the driver enough time to react to their maneuvers.

When semi-truck crashes occur, people may need help obtaining compensation afterward. Determining who is at fault is important for those hoping to obtain financial compensation after a wreck.